Fall at Knox Mountain
October 2017

Judy and I hiked up to Knox Mountain this afternoon. It was a beautiful fall
walk. I worked Slovenia, Michigan, Cuba and Virginia.

It was a clear sunny day... about 50F. Not quite full color yet, but pretty nice.
We walked up the logging road and crunched through fallen leaves... red, gold,
yellow, and brown.

I tossed a line over a wild cherry tree in front of the pond and sat down on the

There wasn't much activity on 20 meters, so I started out on 30 meters
with the KX3 and heard S57V, Milan in Slovenia. He gave me a 559.
On 40 meters I answered Curt KD8IFJ in Michigan. He said he had
very high QRN and he didn't copy me well at all.

I moved to 20 meters where Amed, CO2AME in Havana had a pretty good
pileup going. He answered me right away and we exchanged 599s. I went
back to 40. N4ASF, Dave from Virginia was calling CQ and was very strong
to me. He gave me a 559 and we chatted quite a while before signing.

I hope I can get out often in the next few days. We had our first frost last
night and I'd guess we have about another week of fall color.