Kayak Adventure to Loon Island
August 2017
Dave, K1SWL and I kayaked to Loon Island on Kezar Lake this morning.
We each worked more than a dozen stations and had a fantastic time!

We met at the lake in North Sutton, New Hampshire at 9:00 am. Dave's
plan was to work the Islands
QSO Party. I was ready to work anyone I could! We paddled for 20
minutes or so on a calm lake and
were soon near the shore of Loon Island (NH019).

We scrambled ashore and scouted a couple of good operating
positions. Within minutes of landing,
Dave pointed out a mother loon and a chick about 30 yards from
shore. Dave set up in a clearing in
the center of the island. I found a small spot at the base of a
large pine toward the north end.

I tossed my wire over a high branch and sat on the ground with
the KX3. The band conditions
were fair. I made 16 QSOs including 11 Kansas QSO Party contacts,
France and Italy.
Here's my log (complete with dupe??):
26 Aug-17 1358 18.083 IK3VUT CW 429 579
26 Aug-17 1402 14.028 N0P CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1402 14.032 K0N CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1403 14.043 K0R CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1404 14.044 N0S CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1414 14.045 K0W CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1418 14.044 N0S CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1420 14.031 K0F CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1421 14.027 N4YDU CW 599 599
26 Aug-17 1438 14.030 W0O CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1430 14.042 N0P CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1432 14.055 KJ4HRH CW 599 599 ALA
26 Aug-17 1446 14.022 N4BP CW 599
599 FL
26 Aug-17 1448 14.049 W0A CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1450 14.047 W0Y CW
599 599 KS
26 Aug-17 1502 18.082 F6HKA CW 599 599

Dave operated the islands event using an IC-706 on SSB. Later he
to the KX3 and made a bunch of CW contacts. He made more than a
Sometime toward noon, we called it quits and packed up!