QRPTTF at Wadleigh Park
April 2018
Dave K1SWL, Tim W3ATB and I traveled to Wadleigh State Park in
Sutton, New Hampshire to operate QRP to the Field along the Lane
It was sunny and 52F. Propagation was pretty bad, but we had a great

W1PID operating on 20 meters
Dave and I set up a KX3 on a picnic table in the sun. We had two
antennas: a 44 foot dipole
fed with twisted pair, and a half wave vertical. We tried them both
with moderate success.
We could hear quite a few strong stations, but we didn't get many
replies. I worked 8 stations
on 20 meters and 4 stations on 40 meters. I didn't hear a single
QRPTTF station, so I worked
the MM DX contest and the Michigan and Ontario QSO parties.
Dave K1SWL and I took turns using the same rig.

K1SWL at the operating position
Dave worked about a half dozen stations including France and St.
Barthelemy Island.
Tim W3ATB set up on the grass about 100 yards away from us. He told
me later that
he heard several QRPTTF stations, but when he returned the call, no
one could hear him.
He was running a KX3 on 20 meters with a half wave vertical in some
tall pines.
He managed several good contacts, but like most of us was
disappointed with the band conditions.

W3ATB after making a QSO on 20 meters
After wrestling with the propagation for more than an hour, we
called it quits. It was
great to get out for an early spring radio adventure.