200 MW WSPR from Hawaii
June 2021

This week I made a quick trip to Hawaii to visit my daughter and grand kids. I brought a tiny WSPR
transmitter and an end-fed wire and was heard in California.

The 200 mw WSPR setup fit inside a tiny box in my carry-on easily. I powered everything with
a USB 5V battery. The first attempt on 20 meters was a failure. I put the antenna up as a vertical
at 6:30 in the morning and received no reports from WSPRNET.ORG. It was too early for propagation
and I was a bit discouraged. A few days later I tried again... this time in the afternoon.

I ran the wire as a horizontal up about 20 feet and had much better results. The little WSPRLITE
from SotaBeams was heard more than 4000 km away in California.

I heaved the wire into a tree over the swing set in the back yard, and ran it to a little balcony on the back of
the house.

I let it run for several transmissions and was pleased to see the results. Here's the log from WSPRNET:

2021-06-20 00:48      KH6/W1PID      14.097109      -3      1      BL11ld      0.2     KFS        3787      
2021-06-20 00:44      KH6/W1PID      14.097109      -18     1      BL11ld      0.2     KQ6RS/6    4137      
2021-06-20 00:44      KH6/W1PID      14.097108      -5      1      BL11ld      0.2     KFS        3787
2021-06-20 00:40      KH6/W1PID      14.097107      -8      0      BL11ld      0.2     KFS        3787      
2021-06-20 00:32      KH6/W1PID      14.097110      -26     0      BL11ld      0.2     KQ6RS/6    4137      
2021-06-20 00:32      KH6/W1PID      14.097108      -5      0      BL11ld      0.2     KFS        3787      
2021-06-20 00:28      KH6/W1PID      14.097110      -25     0      BL11ld      0.2     KQ6RS/6    4137      
2021-06-20 00:28      KH6/W1PID      14.097108      -9      0      BL11ld      0.2     KFS        3787      
2021-06-20 00:28      KH6/W1PID      14.097125      -27     0      BL11ld      0.2     KK6PR      4173  

I had a great time with the little WSPR station and so did my 3-year-old grandson. He helped me pull up the antenna.