QCX Mini and DX from Hill
September 2021

Judy and I rode our bikes along the Pemigewasset River in Old Hill Village. It was such a
beautiful day... I set up a new QCX Mini on 20 meters and worked Croatia, Germany and
the UK along with a handful of stations in the CW Open Sprint.

We rode east along Needle Shop Brook and down into the old village. The whole place was relocated
in the 40's to make room for a flood control area. There's 3700 acres of fields and woods. It's a stunning
spot. And it's rare to see anyone there.

We rode south along the old road and stopped in a nice sunny spot along the way. I put up a simple
20 meter dipole fed with 30 feet of RG-174. The band was active as stations were getting ready for
the CW Open Sprint.

The QCX mini ran about 3 watts. My USB battery and dongle delivered 10 volts to the rig.
My first contact of the afternoon was with Tof in Germany. DJ6ZM and I exchanged quick 599
reports and said 73. The next DX station was G4RCG John in England. He only gave me a 419,
but he copied everything. By now the CW Open had begun and my next DX station was 9A1AA in
Croatia.. Ivo and I exchanged serial numbers and our names and signed. In all I worked 10 stations,
most of them in the U.S.

I called it quits about 4:30 and packed up the gear. What a glorious day. How fortunate we were to ride
along the river with wildflowers lining the old road (golden rod, heliopsis, asters). The sounds of crickets,
and the rich fragrance of the fields and woods in the air is a treat. We will certainly be back before the chill
of fall sets in.